Tagged: logstalgia


A bit of a pointless geeky one, but always a good one to keep non-technical middle management occupied for hours.

Logstalgia (or Apache Pong) as it was formerly known takes apache logs and displays them in the form of pong. Each request is shown as a ball coming in and on the right hand side it shows the destination and when served correctly the ball is bounced back. If it’s a miss, then the ball isn’t returned.

You can either pipe the logs directly to logstalgia or reply existing logs (including increasing the speed). There’s a myriad of options and if nothing else it’s a reasonable way of testing your graphics card too.

To pipe in logs from a remote server:
ssh user@server "tail -f /var/log/httpd/access_log" | logstalgia -
Geeky, pointless, but quite entertaining for a while.